New "Gold Pass" Program Announced! Your Ads are Automatically Approved!
We have to admit, it's sometimes tough to keep up with all of the ads, Green Pages, calendar listings and articles that are submitted by you, our incredible community. We look through each ad to make sure it meets our criteria - genuine and accurate information, no bad or improper language, no scams, etc. Many of you have proven that you are fully capable of policing your own ads, though you still have to wait on us to review your ad before posting it.
We are happy to announce our Gold Pass program for those who would like to automatically publish to Kentucky Equestrian without needing an approval. For an annual fee of $100, you can publish an unlimited number of ads - instantly - with no need for approval by us. We ask that you use reasonable judgment in posting to our site, and we reserve the right to refund your money and rescind the Gold Pass privileges.
We apologize, but the Gold Pass program does not include Real Estate / Equestrian Estate ads.
By participating in the "Gold Pass" program you will help ensure Kentucky Equestrian continues to be the most reliable way to communicate and interact with your fellow equestrians from Maryland.
Again, we apologize, but the Gold Pass program does not include Real Estate / Equestrian Estate ads.
Thank you for your support!
Chuck Ebbets |