Kentucky Equestrian Articles

News & Information

Horse Handling Basics for First Responders

Phone: 6064075677
Email Address: VolunteerMountedPatrol(at)
Date Added: 8/26/2014

Horse Handling Basics for First Responders October 3, 2014

Emergency personnel often have their first experience handling horses when they are called to the scene of a trailer collision, barn fire, or other crisis situation.

In order to better prepare fire, police, and medical professionals for dealing with accidents involving equines, an Emergency Responder Horse Handling Training program will be held on Friday October 3, 2014, as a cooperative effort between the Kentucky Mounted Patrol and a yet to be named sponsor. (civilians welcome to attend).

First responders from throughout Kentucky are invited to participate in the two-hour educational event which will be held at Brooking Park in Georgetown, KY. Tutorials on horse behavior, handling, and tack, will be led by Robert K. Milward, Training Officer with the Kentucky Mounted Patrol.

This is NOT a TLAER class. You will not learn animal rescue skills.

Robert Milward will guide attendees through a verbal analysis of various critical scenarios involving horses. Participants will also catch and release horses in stalls and paddocks, tie horses using quick-release knots, and lead horses to safe zones. (Handling subject to venue chosen by host.)

"Trailer accidents and barn fires can be frightening and chaotic situations, but training can provide the knowledge needed to properly manage these incidents."

"I've found that some emergency personnel often have no experience in handling horses," said Milward.

"Trailer accidents and barn fires can be frightening and chaotic situations, but training can provide the knowledge needed to properly manage these incidents." According to Milward, the program was established to fulfill a need in Kentucky's equine-dense counties. The course has been available since 2008.

"The result is we will have many local first responders who will be better able to handle horses in critical situations," said Milward. "With the large number of horses in Kentucky, this training should be of great benefit to the area's equine community."

Class size is limited and once full, reservations for future classes and locations will be offered.

If you would like to schedule a private class for your County Rescue Squad/ Group, contact Robert Milward.

Contact Robert Milward for more information.

E-mail- or phone 606-407-5677 during normal business hours.

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