Kentucky Equestrian Articles


Before you Buy a New Horse

Submitted by: Danielle Aamodt
Phone: 267-972-1491
Email Address: danielleaamodt(at)gmail
Date Added: 2/28/2015

Thinking of buying a new horse ?

You have been trying out different horses for months, and you finally found the right one.

What next?

Make sure you use a trusted Veterinarian to do a pre-purchase examination. Communicate your intended use for the horse, so the Vet can assess the horse appropriately. It will help them to know what you expect to accomplish with them. Different discliplines require different strengths.

Remember that the pre-purchase exam is not going to be a simple ‘pass' or ‘fail'. Your Veterinarian will undoubtedly mention a few current conditions or signs of potential problems. Pre-purchase exams are a helpful tool in deciding on the perfect horse for you. It is up to you to make the ultimate purchase decision.

Be sure to get a copy of the final report for your own records. You never know when you will need that information in the future.

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