Kentucky Equestrian Green Pages: Equine Analysis Systems LLC

Listed in: Horse Racing , Race Horse Breeding & Sales , Services & Products

Equine Analysis Systems LLC   [ MAP ]
107 W. Main St
Midway,KY 40347
Contact Person:
Email Address:
Phone: 859-309-5150

Equine Analysis Systems of Kentucky LLC is a thoroughbred management consultant. In order for our clients to gain an edge on the racetrack and in the marketplace, we utilize exclusive technologies designed to give our clients a unique perspective on their horses.
Founded in 1987, Equine Analysis Systems has been on the frontier of incorporating technology into the thoroughbred industry for over 25 years. Starting as a pioneer in echocardiography, our research has led us to develop tests in conformational analysis, track performance and, most recently, genetics. We utilize these tests to advise a global clientele base, incorporating our scientific methods with a client’s existing management structures. Our uniquely scientific perspective on the thoroughbred allows us to give our clients diverse insights, optimizing our client’s racing and breeding performance, and helping to turn farms into internationally competitive businesses.